Mission statement

This site is by and for people with Parkinson’s disease.  It is not medical advice.  It is a sharing of experiences around a brain disorder that is said to afflict one of every hundred adults over 65 years of age.

Please provide your thoughts as a PWP towards what you would like.

A personal histories section is begun with some of my experiences.  Send me email – patterson at computer dot org.


One thought on “Mission statement”

  1. I appeared before the management of the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) on September 22, 2015 as part of a patient-focused panel on Parkinson disease treatment. To get the web archive of my 5 minute presentation to the FDA, go to
    and then to Meeting Recording Part 4,
    and then a half hour plus a few seconds and I begin my 5 minute presentation as a panelist.

    You can read what I said in the PDF at https://www.parkies.org/FDA .

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